Medina Azahara

Caliphate City of Medina Azahara Cordoba new UNESCO World Heritage Site
Medina Azahara declared World Heritage Site The ancient Califate City of Medina Azahara near Cordoba has been included in the new UNESCO World Heritage List, announced in Manama (Bahrain) yesterday, 01 July. Read more below about Medina Azahara - the archaeological site, its history and visitor information. Photo: UNESCO announces World Heritage Listing for Medina Azahara. Medina Azahara was Spain´s only 2018 nomination and its inclusion now...
The Mezquita, Cordoba´s mesmeriazing mosque cathedral
Did you know that April 18 is World Heritage Day? It´s also called World International Monuments and Sites Day and is a day to celebrate the diversity of cultural heritage and the importance of trying to protect and conserve it. The perfect time to remind ourselves of just how many amazing World Heritage Sites we have here in Andalucia and share the news that two local sites look set to be added to the UNESCO World Heritage List soon… Photo:...